Magnitude 8.0 earthquake in Peru kills 1, injures 18

Update 11:45 UTC

One person died and at least 11 people injured in Peru. Another seven injured in neighboring Ecuador.

According to the Peru's National Emergency Operations Center, five schools have been damaged, two temples and four health centers.

Update 09:50 UTC

According to the United States Geological Survey, the earthquake was of magnitude 8.0. The earthquake occurred as the result of normal faulting at an intermediate depth, approximately 110 km beneath the Earth's surface within the subducted lithosphere of the Nazca plate.

Update 07:58 UTC

According to Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, no Tsunami is expected from the earthquake. The earthquake has occurred at a greater depth causing no threat of Tsunami.

Update 07:54 UTC

The epicenter is located 84 km SE of Lagunas, Peru.

May 26, 2019: A strong earthquake of magnitude 7.6 has been recorded in peru at 02:41 am local time.


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