Japan Typhoon "Jelawat" injures 50

Disaster Report: A NASA advisory said the Jelawat was comparable to a category 3 hurricane.
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Original post: Natural Disasters list september 29, 2012
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-Typhoon Jelawat injured more than 50 people and caused extensive blackouts in Okinawa.
-It is expected to make landfall later Sunday in the Tokai region in central Japan.
-Over 360 flights mainly in western Japan are likely to be canceled Sunday.

-Following Japan Meteorological Agency, Jelawat is a "very strong" storm with maximum sustained winds near the center of just over 100 mph (165 km/h).
-A NASA advisory said the cyclone was comparable to a category 3 hurricane. Jelawat is a large and powerful storm that has been bringing very rough seas to areas in the western North Pacific.
-Jelawat's center passed by Ishigaki-jima by 1500 UTC (11 a.m. EDT) on Sept. 28 and was approaching Okinawa, the island that houses Kadena Air Base.
-Typhoon Jelawat overturned several vehicles in Naha City, Okinawa prefecture (as seen above). Jelawat damaged several other structures too.
Below is a video showing Typhoon Jelawat damage Photos, A quick first look.

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